Enviria 2.0

Enviria 2 Detail-01 Detail-02

Hi Five / Grundschule Hochdorf Assenheim https://sketjet.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/hi-five.mp4
Fauna At Night

Fauna At Night
Everything you can imagine is real

Everything you can imagine is real
Flowers for Friends

Flowers for Friends http://sketjet.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/kindergarten-Ladenburg-s.mp4
Stuntman Mike

Stuntman Mike Gestaltung der gesamten Außenfassade vom Autohaus Neuffer in Herrenberg bei Stuttgart.
Underwater World

Underwater World


Tantes Kuchen

Tantes Kuchen I come from a large family with a lot of tradition. That means that we have lots of gettogethers, which I ‚ve been participating in through all of my life. The most exciting part about every family celebration are my great-aunt’s cakes. She loves baking. Meanwhile she’s 84 years old, still very fit […]